PRODUCT UPDATES | June 24, 2019
Product Update: Advance Care Planning Training Modules for Clinicians
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A new training resource has been added to our content library and is now available on My ACP Decisions. The new offering consists of a four-part video series that guides clinicians through the advance care planning process with patients, from introducing the concept to translating the conversation into an actionable plan. Each video is accompanied by a downloadable handout that reinforces the information presented.
Part 1: Introducing Advance Care Planning

Offers strategies for introducing an advance care planning discussion with three different patient types: healthy patients, seriously ill but stable patients, and patients in the last phase of life. The video includes useful, realistic scenarios and scripting that clinicians can use.
Part 2: Introducing an ACP Decisions Video

This video shows clinicians how to introduce the ACP Decisions Video Library with sample questions to prompt the discussion. It also provides guidance on how to integrate the use of the video library into clinician workflow and demonstrates how to respond to patients who are resistant. Additionally, there’s an overview of the different advance care planning video options that can be shared with patients.
Part 3: Continuing the Conversation After Watching an ACP Decisions Video

Learn how to take the conversation to the next step after the patient watches an advance care planning video. As in Part 1, this module shows examples of how to make the conversation meaningful with the three different patient types. It also provides an overall strategy for post-video intervention.
Part 4: Translating Goals of Care Discussions into Actionable Plans

The last module guides clinicians on how to translate the advance care planning conversation into an actionable plan with appropriate documentation of patient-expressed preferences for care. It covers writing a medical order, documentation in the patient’s medical record, creating an advance directive, and other legal documents.
You can access this new series by going to clicking on My ACP Decisions and logging in using your username and password. The ACP Training for Clinicians series is found under Training & Implementation in the “Other” category.
Interested in having access to our advance care planning resources and video library? Contact us today!
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